joi, 26 noiembrie 2009


N-am mai postat de mult...fragmente care m-au pus pe ganduri...Asa ca...
"Caligula: Do you believe in God, Scipio?
Scipio: No.
Caligula: Then, I don't understand. Why should blasphemy get up your nose?
Scipio: I don't have to believe in something to respect it, to respect the right of others to believe..."
(Albert Camus, Caligula)-(pentru ca mi-e dor de faculta si de discutiile nostre de "oameni" care credeau in multe...oameni inca mici pentru lumea asta de oameni "maturi")

"Caligula: Cherea, do you think it's possible for two men, to talk honestly to each other. To really communicate. For once in their lives to stand before each other naked: equal, stripped of their prejudices..."(Albert Camus, Caligula) -pentru ca inca sper ca se poate...

"To love someone you have to accept that you'll grow old with him/her.."(Albert Camus, Caligula) -pentru ca mi-e dor mereu de pentru ca tu ai fost cel care mi-ai adus vreun astfel de pentru ca un gand ca mai e infricosator...cum parea acum ceva timp...:D

"I've never had a moment's doubt. I love you. I believe in you completely. You are my dearest one, my reason for life..."(Ian McEwan, Atonement) -pentru ca pare ceva siropos...:D:D, pentru ca uneori nu e grav sa fii siropos, pentru ca sunt niste cuvinte simple...dar care au si altceva in spate...pentru ca suntem "noi" si nu eu si tu...

P.s. Gaudeamus de anul trecut a fost f productiv...cel putin cu Caligula lui mi-a facut o surpriza placuta...De-abia astept sa ma destrabalez si la asta de acum...:D

miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2009


I can't help myself...

luni, 16 noiembrie 2009

o zi de vacanta...

Si am reusit sa trec si podul...:D

plimbare prin toamna...:D

marți, 10 noiembrie 2009


Cum ar fi sa fim acolo? Cateva zile ma simt cu adevarat apoi sa ne fiu eu cu tine...departe de tot ce inseamna "civilizatie"...

luni, 9 noiembrie 2009

o bucatica de cantec :D

Te iubeste..
Toata viata o vezi in ochii ei
In zori.. Buna dimineata!

vineri, 6 noiembrie 2009

miercuri, 4 noiembrie 2009


  • Sunt omuleti care isi amintesc...mULTUMESC...
  • Chiar daca ai venit IERI SI NU azi...tu esti oricum mereu cu mine...:D ...fara radio de data asta...
  • Multumesc...pentru tot...pentru ca esti...TU...:D
Put Your Arms Around Me

That original feeling never went away
That's why I’m standing here today.
Whoa Whoa
So many up and downs
And nothing has changed
That's why you know I'm here to stay.
Whoa Whoa

So put your arms around me
And then stay there forever
Let it always be this way
You and me together

So put you arms around me
And I'll never let go
I know they’re easy words to say
But I mean it more then ever

Yours is the kind of love
makes nothing else feel good enough
And I’m never gonna give you up, Oh no, Oh no.


So many up and downs
And nothing has changed
That's why you know I'm here to stay
Whoa Whoa
Ain't nobody gonna replace
Only you make me feel this saved
atasha Bedingfield)