You are the air I need to breathe
The river of life inside of me
You are the half that made me whole
You are the anchor of my soul
And you are strong when I am weak
You are the words when I can't speak
You never fail to see me through
That's the love I found in you
You are my shelter from the storm
You are the road that leads me home
And baby with you here face to face
Oh I know I've found my place
(Jim Brickman The Love I Found in You)
Poezia morții și a speranței în Haiku Siberian
Titlu: Haiku SiberianAutor: Jurga VileRating: Editura: FrontieraAnul
aparitiei: 2021Traducere: Alina NucăNumar pagini: 240ISBN:
978-606-8986-70-8 Anul 2025...
Acum 2 zile
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